Families in our community find safety, support, and resources as they face some of the most challenging times in their lives – like violence and abuse from someone they love.

The most amazing thing that we see every day is how brave and courageous people can be when they commit to doing the hard work it takes to address and heal from abuse. What does it take to find true freedom from victimization?

Through our 43 years of providing advocacy support, we know that it takes an honest look at our lives to address the things we can control and to let go of the things we cannot. That means addressing our substance use, spending habits, response to stress and trauma, and taking a therapeutic look at our lives in order to identify these issues and do the work to make real, lasting changes. While no one ever deserves to be hurt, often there are things in our lives that keep us vulnerable to abuse. When we make choices to take a look at our own lives and begin to address childhood traumas, substance abuse, and other behaviors that cause our lives to be unmanageable, that is when real change can happen.

It is not easy or immediate. It requires consistency and dedication to the work that is required. But, it is amazing to see people take steps toward lives free from abuse.

Below are several letters representing thousands of families over years who did the hard work to change their lives. Read below and celebrate their successes with them!