Natalie* called Stepping Stones’ 24/7/365 Helpline after she experienced another terrible Christmas. She described how her husband continuously criticized everything she did on a regular basis and even though he had never physically hurt her, his emotional abuse was a lot to carry. This time though, he yelled at her in front of their child when he thought she didn’t do enough to make the holiday special. Natalie had read an article online about the impact of abuse on children and realized she didn’t want her child to be exposed to any more than she already had.

Natalie decided she was ready to start the divorce process from her emotionally abusive husband, but didn’t know where to start. When she called Stepping Stones, the advocate who answered was able to help provide her with options and get her connected to advocacy support. Natalie broke down crying because she felt hopeful again for the first time in years.

Whether someone needs a safe place because of physical danger or just needs to talk through options to end an unhealthy relationship, Stepping Stones’ Advocates are here to offer HOPE. Our team knows it’s not easy and has been providing support to people just like Natalie for 41 years. From help with paperwork to going with a client to court, our legal advocates can provide support through orders of protection and divorce.

Natalie continues to meet with our advocates and joins educational support groups. She’s working hard to not only work to end her relationship, but also take a look at her life in order to rebuild her self-worth so she is not vulnerable in the future. Taking each day as it comes, Natalie feels her confidence growing knowing she has support by her side.

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse or an unhealthy relationship, please call our 24/7/365 Helping and speak with our advocates today – 928-445-4673.

*name changed

Growing in Safety and Hope

Adults who come to Stepping Stones for support are looking for safety and hope – safety from immediate harm and hope that the future can and will be different. With hard work, they can make changes and live free from all forms of abuse. Adults in our programs take an anonymous survey upon exit to provide feedback. From Jan 1- March 30, 2021, those who participated shared:

  • 100% reported they have an increased understanding of their legal rights.
  • 100% reported they feel their safety has improved even after leaving Stepping Stones.
  • 100% reported they are confident they will remain free from abuse after leaving Stepping Stones.