What does it mean to give a 2020 AZ Qualifying Charitable Organization Tax Credit donation to Stepping Stones? It means families are able to find freedom from all forms of abuse right here in our community.

Arizona offers a dollar-for-dollar tax credit by making a donation to a qualified charitable organization of any amount (up to $400 filing single or $800 filing joint on your AZ state return). When you claim the credit on your state return, you will reduce your tax liability or increase the amount you receive in a refund. You do not have to itemize to receive this credit.

You can choose where your tax dollars go AND make a difference in the lives of local families working hard to find freedom from all forms of victimization.

If you would like to give, you can donate online at: steppingstonesaz.org/donate

or mail/drop off a check at our Administration office:
2651 N. Industrial Way, Suite A
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

Questions? Call Alexis or Brandon at 928-772-4184.

**Please check with your tax professional for information regarding donations. Stepping Stones’ official Qualifying Charitable Tax Credit code from the State of Arizona is: 20034.