Gratitude word art by resident

Created by an advocacy program participant

November is all about GRATITUDE at Stepping Stones! For us, gratitude is central to everything we do, because we know that we couldn’t do it without the amazing community who chooses to shop, donate, and serve with us!
Because of you, we have so much to be grateful for!! So far in 2018 (Jan 1 – Sept 30), here’s a few of things we’re so GRATEFUL for:

7,072 days of safety provided for adults and children staying in our shelter and transitional housing.

5,979 hours of service to families in our community who need one-on-one advocacy, legal advocacy, crisis support, and educational group support from our advocates.

215 volunteers who chose to give their time and talents across the organization.

COUNTLESS FRIENDS who shop, donate, and truly keep the lights on and the doors open 24/7/365 by choosing to get involved with us!
We couldn’t do with without YOU!!