We see miracles happen all the time at Stepping Stones. Families come to us when they are struggling through difficult situations, and we regularly see people build their confidence and create a life that they are proud to live. Our advocates are here 24/7/365 to ensure that families can get the support they need when they need it. Take a look at a few statistics and outcomes we’ve seen over the last 12 months (data from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023):

  • 3,379 Helpline Crisis & Referral Calls Answered
  • 208 Adult & Children Received Face-to-Face Services
  • Of the Adults we served: 79% experienced some type of abuse as a child (physical, sexual, or emotional). On average, those adults have 2 abusive relationships as adults. What does this tell us? It highlights that underlying trauma or behaviors may be keeping someone vulnerable to abuse.
  • Advocates provided over 7,682 Hours of Face-to-Face Advocacy services including educational support groups – THAT’S 21 HOURS PER DAY!
  • 100% said they have an increased knowledge of domestic violence and its effect on their life.
  • 100% felt they are (re)gaining control of their life.
  • 99% said their safety has improved, even after leaving the program.
  • 98% said they are completing their goals.
  • 100% said they have increased knowledge and understanding of violence, abuse, and neglect’s effect on their child’s life.
  • 100% said their child demonstrates improved emotional/behavioral status during their time at SSA.
  • Only 15% left with permanent housing…there are not enough affordable housing options!

Questions about our program? Please contact Cori or Alexis at 928-772-4184 or [email protected].