“Looking back I am stronger woman and independent now. Before I was stressed to the max, exhausted beyond reason, hopeless, and floundering. But now, the door is open. I got this. I can and I will do it!!”
– Amanda, shelter graduate (name changed)

Leaving a domestic violence relationship is a huge step toward freedom and independence for many adults. The first step begins with the courage to reach out for help, and Stepping Stones’ advocates are always available for support through our 24/7/365 helpline.

Once someone finds safety and support, they can begin to do the hard work to find freedom from the chaos and violence. This work includes a mix of both therapeutic support for the experiences they had, as well as practical steps toward self-sufficiency.

A therapeutic support includes one-on-one debriefing with advocates, seeing a licensed therapist, educational support groups, and other supportive fellowship. This allows time to work through the trauma and begin to address the areas in their lives that they have the power to control. Educational support and fellowship groups help provide a sense of community and encouragement from others who have walked similar paths.

For families at Stepping Stones, practical needs may include navigating the legal system for orders of protection, divorce, or child custody challenges, along with all the necessities of housing, income, and medical care. Advocates provide resources to help families find the best solutions to the challenges they face in these areas. This practical support empowers adults to make decisions for themselves and their children that will help them continue to live free from abuse.

If you or someone you know wants to find freedom from abuse, please call our advocates 24/7/365 at 928-445-4673.