It starts with a phone call

It can be scary when someone takes the first step to make the phone call and talk to our advocates. They may be scared to talk to a stranger about their problems or maybe they are afraid to finally say what has been happening out loud to someone. But, that is exactly what our advocates are here to help with. Our 24/7/365 helpline provides direct support along with resources when someone needs it most. Advocates are available to help someone step forward into a life filled with the potential of never experiencing abuse again.

Every person’s path is different, and our advocates can help each person move forward based on their goals. These fresh starts come with a lot of hard work and dedication to really changing their lives. Families spend a lot of time talking with our advocates, finding resources to help with the challenges they are experiencing, and celebrating wins of all sizes.

After 44 years of service, we know that it takes a lot of work to live free from abuse, but it is possible! A fresh start and a future filled with potential is possible for families receiving support. If you or someone you know needs support, please call our helpline and speak with our advocates: 928-445-4673.