“This has been the best experience I could hope for after the bad situation I was in. Having support while trying to get back on my feet, empowering me that I can do things on my own, and helping me take control over my life. During the times I didn’t want to face things, the advocates helped motivate me. Stepping Stones taught me ways of coping, living, and succeeding in life for the first time.” – M, SSA resident

Discovering potential after experiencing abuse means reclaiming a sense of self and envisioning a future beyond the past trauma. For families at Stepping Stones, building self-worth and self-sufficiency helps them find ways to move beyond the abuse they experienced.

But, discovering potential isn’t just about achieving goals. For adults who experienced years of abuse, chaos, and trauma, it often means they are realizing their value again and being empowered that they:
CAN live free from abuse.
CAN be the best parent.
CAN accomplish their goals.
CAN change their lives.

The future can be bright and full of potential after abuse through the hard work and dedication folks do as they become free from all forms of abuse. If you or someone you know needs support because of domestic violence, call our helpline at 928-445-4673.


Potential to Live Free From All Abuse

Those first steps towards potential and freedom from abuse can be difficult, but it is empowering for a family when they begin to see the changes happening in their life. Adults complete an anonymous survey upon exit to provide feedback. From 1/1-3/31/2024:

  • 100% reported they are (re)gaining control of their lives.
  • 100% reported they have an increased knowledge of domestic violence and its effects on their life.
  • 100% reported they felt confident they would be free from abuse even after leaving Stepping Stones.