At Stepping Stones, women, men, and children work hard to find freedom from all forms of abuse. Because of you, our advocates are available 24/7/365 to support families receiving services. Check out a few statistics and outcomes that we’ve seen over the last 12 months (Data from Sept. 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022):
- Advocates provided over 9,845 hours of face-to-face advocacy services including educational support groups
- 3,676 Helpline crisis and referral calls answered and 120 adults & children received face-to-face services
- Of the adults we served: Average number of relationships = 3; Average number of abusive relationships = 2.
- What does this tell us? It highlights that underlying trauma or behaviors may be keeping someone vulnerable to abuse.
Upon completing services with our advocates, adults anonymously reported these outcomes about their lives:
- 97% said they have an increased knowledge of domestic violence and its effect on their life.
- 100% felt they are (re)gaining control of their life.
- 95% said their safety has improved, even after leaving the program.
- 97% said they are completing their goals.
- 100% said they have increased knowledge and understanding of violence, abuse, and neglect’s effect on their child’s life.
- 92% said their child demonstrates improved emotional/behavioral status during their time at SSA.
- 97% receiving services in shelter experienced some type of abuse as a child (physical, sexual, or emotional).

Advocates are available 24/7/365 for safety and support.
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