Did you hear the news? Stepping Stones is launching a podcast called Fearless Inventory!

The Fearless Inventory podcast is an introduction (and an extension) of the work local families are doing each day to find freedom from all forms of victimization. While our advocates specialize in supporting those who are experiencing domestic violence, we know that there is A LOT that is happening in someone’s life beyond a physical act of violence.

That’s why we created this podcast – it’s a chance for ANYONE to take a peek inside these important (and often scary) topics and learn more about areas in our lives that may be keeping us vulnerable to abuse.

You can find and listen to the Fearless Inventory anywhere you access podcasts (see “Find Our Podcast” list!). Plus, you can always access the latest episodes on our website: www.steppingstonesaz.org/podcast

Please remember – when you start listening, our advocates are available if something comes up for you that you’d like to discuss more in-depth. They are available to meet in person, talk on the phone, and help get you connected to resources like our educational support groups (that go much more in-depth on these topics!). You can reach them on our 24/7/365 Helpline at 928-445-4673.



You can listen to Fearless Inventory on our website and anywhere you listen to podcasts including:

Apple Podcast
Google Podcast