At Stepping Stones, we’re grateful for the AMAZING superhero volunteers who give their time to help support our mission to help end domestic violence and victimization for good through our 24/7/365 advocacy services. Whether they serve at our shelter, thrift stores, or admin office, they help make a difference for the families receiving services with us.

Because of the pandemic and the need for our team and community to stay home and safe, we saw a steep drop in our in-person volunteers in 2020. We closed our stores for six weeks in the spring and limited in-person interactions for several months to help keep people safe. For example, we saw a 40% decrease in volunteer hours during 2020. We have to say – it was hard but necessary! Our awesome volunteers fill so many roles to ensure that our doors stay open 24/7, and we felt the impact of having fewer hands serving together with us.

As we continue moving forward through the pandemic and safety improves, we would love to have volunteers come back on board with us as they feel comfortable doing so with our safety protocols. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Denise in our administration office to learn more about current roles we have available and how you can get involved safely!

Contact Denise at 928-772-4184 or email [email protected].

Please note: we follow CDC recommended safety guidelines at all our locations, so masks and social distancing are required for all.