“I left my abusive boyfriend last year after one night when he was so filled with rage he punched me. Our relationship was always rocky unless I gave in and let him do what he wanted. I left to live with my mom, and she was really supportive, but I knew I needed more help in dealing with life after his abuse. I called Stepping Stones and learned that I could talk with advocates anytime, I didn’t have to live in the shelter. That’s when I began to see changes in my life and began to feel better for the first time in years.”

When she started working with advocates, Ana* saw her well-being increase because she finally understood why she was struggling with fear and anxiety over her past relationship. She began to identify areas in her life she had the power to change. One area Ana had a chance to really examine was her self-sufficiency and self-worth. After years of being torn down, she had to relearn her own value and that she is capable.

“I didn’t realize that my anxiety actually came from not being able to make choices for myself and the future. But the ed blocks (classes) and talking with the advocates helped me discover my ability to change those things. I think it’s the first time in my adulthood that I actually feel like I have a plan for ME. I still talk with my advocates regularly, but I am on a good path to be free from abuse FOREVER!”

Our advocates are always available on our 24/7/365 Helpline: 928-445-4673.

* name changed