Each March, we come together to say NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault. It can be a long and difficult road for individuals who have experienced domestic violence or other forms of abuse. These adults may feel many barriers between them and the opportunity to live free from the abuse they are experiencing. Often, these barriers come in the form of “unmanageability” in life.

Unmanageability can come in many forms including financial crisis, drug and/or alcohol abuse, debilitating anxiety, engaging in risky behaviors, struggling with work, or inability to maintain close relationships. Often, these areas of unmanageability are symptoms of deeper issues that need to be addressed. For some, it may be from childhood trauma or unresolved crisis that is still lingering in life.

This unmanageability can be address by taking an honest self-inventory of these areas in life with someone you trust like a therapist, advocate, or mentor. When you take a look at all these areas that are challenging your life, you can then recognize when these issues are arising and what you can do to interrupt the cycle.

If you are dealing with unmanageability in your life, our advocates are here to help. Call our 24/7/365 Helpline to speak with someone – 928.445.HOPE (445-4673).