I’m grateful for the insight I gained with Betty during Ed Blocks and because of that, I am continuing seeking counseling and therapy for childhood co-dependency issues.
– Jess*, former advocacy program participant

Jess* came to Stepping Stones to meet with an advocate in our community-based advocacy services. For her, it was a chance to take a look at issues that have plagued her whole life and stemmed from her childhood. After meeting with one of our advocates, she began to take steps to find freedom from the experiences that have held her back throughout her adult life.

Like Jess, many adults have a safe place to live, but they are struggling to deal with previous trauma in their lives. Whether they experienced a difficult childhood or tried to maintain unhealthy relationships as an adult, it is an opportunity to begin the hard work of addressing these challenging experiences.

If you want to meet with an advocate one-on-one or for an educational support group (ed block) to discuss trauma or other challenges you’ve experienced – from domestic violence to childhood trauma – call our 24/7 Helpline and make an appointment today: 928.445.4673.

*Name Changed