March is NO MORE month and the nationwide NO MORE campaign originally began in 2014. Here at Stepping Stones, saying NO MORE to violence is helping adults step-by-step to find freedom from all forms of victimization through our advocacy programs.

With the support of an advocate, adults in our advocacy programs are able to begin letting go of the areas of their life that they cannot control and choosing to focus on the parts of life they have the power to change. It is hard work to take an honest self-inventory and begin to address some of the difficult and messy parts of life.

If you or someone you know is ready to say NO MORE, call our 24/7/365 helpline: 928-445-4673. Want some posters for your business? Call us – 772-4184.

*Pick up a NO MORE poster at any of our locations and share what why you are saying NO MORE to violence and abuse in our community.