If you or someone you know is in need of HOPE in the midst of an abusive situation, our advocates are always available to help. If you want someone to talk to or looking for education and support, call our Helpline and arrange a time to meet in person. 24/7 Helpline: 928-445-HOPE (445-4673).
The first 40 years of Anna’s* life was full of abuse. It started by being sexually abused as a child by her brother, and continued through several abusive relationships as an adult. She fought to break away by joining the military and building a career in the medical field. Yet, “childhood trauma affected my entire life” and left her hopeless with no confidence in herself. After two suicide attempts, Anna was referred to Stepping Stones.
When Anna arrived, she was met with an opportunity to find hope again. She attended education classes, talked one-on-one with advocates about her experiences, and found a thread of hope to begin rebuilding her life with the tools she needed to heal. Through her hard work, she realized the extent that her childhood experiences affected her choices and kept her vulnerable.
Today, Anna is able to confidently take hopeful steps forward. “I have learned the root causes of my depression and have come from being homeless, jobless, with no hope to being a confident woman who works full time, loves herself, and excitedly looks forward to the future. It’s the best thing that has happened to me.”
If you or someone you know is ready to choose hope, our advocates are always available: 928.445.HOPE (4673).
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