Every woman who walks through the Stepping Stones’ door has a story that is uniquely hers. While each story is different, these brave women all have one thing in common – they chose to speak up and break the silence. They made the decision to say enough is enough.
That first step is hard. It’s hard to leave things behind or disrupt a child’s routine. Sometimes it takes two or three tries before she is able to start moving forward. But, breaking the silence and saying NO MORE to unhealthy relationships is the first step in a new, positive direction. At Stepping Stones, women choose to break the silence every day as they work toward living the best lives possible. They learn how to live an empowered life where they can always speak up for what’s best for their family.
Most importantly, women who come to Stepping Stones regularly take an honest self-inventory to see what they have the power to change in their lives. It is hard work to overcome the things that influence our behaviors and choices, but that’s exactly what women have been doing at
Stepping Stones for the last 36 years!
Break the silence and make the call. If you or someone you know is looking for help or just needs to talk, call our 24/7/365 Helpline. Live advocates are always available: 445-HOPE.
Letter from a Shelter Resident: “Everyday I’m thankful I took that first step.”

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